The Blog

Eroticon 2013 Meet and Greet

Name: Rose Monrou

Twitter id: @sexwithrose

Must attend Eroticon 2013 session: *peeks at the schedule* There are a lot of sessions that are on my must list but if I would have to choose the Disability and Sex session. This is because I’m super interested and as someone with ADD it’s usually not considered how difficult sex can be. Even with disabilities you can’t see! But of course I’m interested in all the sessions because I’m a very curious geeky girl.

Bloggers you’d like to be trapped in the lift with:  Well depending on how big the lift is…. all of them!

Erotic writer you’d like to write dramatize your life story: I’ll honestly say that I haven’t read much erotica so far and since the only book I have read is Tiffany Reisz it has to be her. Who wouldn’t want some extra excitement and drama in your life?

Expected biggest fangirl / fanboy moment: That also would be a lot of people since I’m quite the noob but I look forward to meeting Lori, Ruby, Mina, and I just could keep going. If you’re there, I’m a fan!

What keeps you awake at nights? Sex, my brain, QI, things I still have to do, Stephen Fry, Dr Who…just to name a couple of things.

If you’re going to Eroticon, I’ll be the tall Dutch redhead. Not hard to miss (usually). Don’t feel shy to say hi! If you’re not going (yet) you can get your tickets here!

See who else is coming to Eroticon 2013 in the Meet & Greet link up


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  1. Mina Lamieux says:

    It’ll be great to see you.

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