All posts by Rose

TMI: Sexy fill in the blanks..

If my sex life were a film, it would be ratedΒ  _____ .

It would definitely would be R18 rated πŸ˜‰

I got a body for ____ and a face for ____ .

I got a body for naughty things and a face for silly faces. Normal pictures don’t happen much with me πŸ˜‰

It’s extremely sexy when a guy/girl ____ .

Knows how to turn me on with words. If you can’t turn on my brains, I’m hooked.

Doing _____ naked makes me _____ .

Doing anything naked makes me happy. I just love being naked!

In the morning, I am always _____ .

In the morning, I am always waking up horny. Not all the time, but usually I am πŸ˜‰

I would love to _____ in the _____ .

I would love to have sex in the rain. Only on a hot summer day though, but would love the sensation!

Bonus: Roses are ____ , Violets are ____ .

Roses are naughty

Violets are blue

Will my ass be bruised

Because of you?

If you would like to see more of TMI Tuesday and see what other people have answered, just go over to the blog and find out!

Sinful Sunday: Cravings

This Sinful Sunday I’m craving for kink in my life. I’ve come to realize that kink is a part of me that will slowly go crazy if ignored. And so far that part is slowly going crazy, seeing kink in everything. My dirty mind filled with fantasies and cravings. Wanting to have a kinky partner in crime. To do deliciously dirty things with and fuck the night away. To be taken, ravished, held close and taken again.

That is what I crave for.


If you want to see more Sinful Sunday just click the image below:

Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Love bites

This Sinful Sunday is all about Love Bites, I got these from the lovely Miss Serene and I must say that I quite like them.
They look like normal wooly gloves ( normal vampire gloves also come in leather and by the looks of those they are equally fun) so you can even wear them outdoors πŸ˜‰
So far I’ve only tried them on myself but I can imagine it being more fun if somebody else were to use them on you. They feel quite nice on your skin and if you haven’t tried it already, you certainly should!
Because the pins aren’t just on the fingers but also on the palm you can get yourself in a whole lot of trouble with them πŸ˜‰

If you want to see more Sinful Sunday just click the image below:

Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Cabin in the woods

Yes I know how that sounds, we went to a cabin in the woods and sadly together with a friend so there weren’t much chances for taking naughty pictures. I finally saw my chance when I was standing outside the cabin. Keep in mind that aiming a camera on your ass is quite hard if you’re doing it in a rush πŸ˜‰ I hitched up my shorts and this is the result πŸ˜‰



If you want to see more Sinful Sunday just click the image below:

Sinful Sunday

Also this is an entry for my personal scavenge hunt (a sexy one that is)
You can find more about that here


Sinful Sunday: Tied up

This Sinful Sunday is all about rope. Last time in London I got pretty tied up with things..
I learned some fun things being tied and doing the tying up. I must say that I found it a lot of fun to do, even with my low tolerance of being restrained it worked quite well (ignoring the fact that I can easily escape then) Only had one numb hand after a the fun ended!



If you want to see more Sinful Sunday just click the image below:

Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Chocolat

This Sinful Sunday is quite specially themed with ‘Sexing up the movies’ thanks to Molly.

I’ve decided to sex up Chocolat, one of my favorite movies (and not just because Johnny Depp is in it)
Almost everybody loves chocolate, so I decided to sex it up and got some help with sexing it up πŸ˜‰
What would you like to do if you had chocolate….


Yes it’s fun to lick off and quite delicious πŸ˜‰

If you want to see more Sinful Sunday just click the image below:

Sinful Sunday