All posts by Rose

Sinful Sunday: The Alley

This very Sinful Sunday I am sharing some more pictures of my trip to London, this time in an alley.

Be honest, what better place and time to flash your ass when you’re walking up stairs?
This really is why I love crotchless panty’s/tights, you get shots like these within seconds 😉


Photo courtesy of Urbanvox

If you want to see more Sinful Sunday just click the image below:

Sinful Sunday

Also this is an entry for my personal scavenge hunt (a sexy one that is)

E[lust] #44


Photo courtesy of Plumptious Pea

Welcome to e[lust] – The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at e[lust]. Want to be included in e[lust] #45? Start with the newly updated rules, come back April 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!

~ This Week’s Top Three Posts ~

Everyday D/s

Honesty sometimes feels like manipulation

Blood, life, sex

~ Featured Posts (Molly’s Picks) ~

Grief and Sex

Bringing Others into a Dom/Sub Relationship

All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!

Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships

Adventures In… Lube-land
PolyAnna’s Musings: Radar Love
A productive morning
Livia Has a Crush
Terms of Fatness

Sex News, Interviews, Politics & Humor

Thoughts: Feminism, Sexism and Submission

Thoughts & Advice on Kink & Fetish

Deep subspace – sexy or scary?
Django Unchained: the suffering black female
What the hell is ‘NORMAL’ sex anyway?
All About the Collar
Dirty Little Secret

Erotic Fiction

Master’s Valentine’s ToDo List
The Passion of First Encounters.
Ma’am’s Turn (First Meeting Part 3)
Nipple torture and girl love
The Boundary
I’m in the Mood
Lolita Twenty-Thirteen, Part Two
A Quick Preview

Erotic Non Fiction

Lindsey’s Orgasm
Blog Jammin’
Postponing the Inevitable
Watching Has its Own Rewards
A Farewell Torment
I want to lick your pussy
Cap D’Agde 2012 Foam Party
Dirty Hot
Eighty-Five Minutes
Saying Goodnight
Hundreds of orgasms
our open marriage- mina’s date
1+1+1= My first threesome
Writing Sex Scenes
Beginnings and Endings
Glass Bottle
One Cole the Dane + One WeVibe Salsa = Orgasm


Epiphora’s beginner’s guide to sex toy review
Very Inspiring Blogger Award


Erotic Eroticon
Finessing Sex- A Snippet Of Fiction
Eroticon Highlights
Bite Me


In the Back Seat of the Bus
Oiled Seduction

Sinful Sunday: The Hostel

This Sinful Sunday I’m sharing some more exciting pictures. I made these in the hostel room I was staying in with 6 others.

And yes while making these I had to cover up quickly once when somebody was coming in, If only they knew… 😉

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If you want to see more Sinful Sunday just click the image below:

Sinful Sunday

Also this is an entry for my personal scavenge hunt (a sexy one that is)

Sinful Sunday: Flashing the docks

This Sinful Sunday I am sharing something you might have seen a sneak peak from in my Twitter feed. I’ve been scavenging again and this time in London!
This was made at one of the docks along the Themes, where the river services can take you along the river to Greenwich for instance.
Fun fact to know; on top of the ramp was a couple making out, no idea what we were doing and they were probably doing something naughty as well 😉

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Photo courtesy of Urbanvox

If you want to see more Sinful Sunday just click the image below:

Sinful Sunday

Also this is an entry for my personal scavenge hunt (a sexy one that is)
You can find more about that here


1+1+1= My first threesome

The three of us, next to the bed
Him kissing her, then me
Then me kissing her. Feeling her lips on mine

Hands wandering over bodies
Feeling a hand on my body, tracing my curves
The hand cupping my breast
Him taking off her top while I undo the buttons of his shirt

All of us getting rid of more clothes on the way
Pushing him on the bed, our boobs at face height

His lips sucking my nipples
Getting hard
Getting wet
Our bodies on to the bed
Biting and kissing his neck
She going down on him
Sucking his hard cock
Hand between my legs
Feeling my wetness
Knowing this will only the beginning
Of a night with a lot of fun
And making her come
My first time with three
Hungering for more


If you want to see more of Wicked Wednesday, just click on the picture below.


Sinful Sunday: Nipple charms

This Sinful Sunday I’m sharing the lovely nipple charms I got from NippleCharms

Do check their site out, they have amazing stuff! I was really excited when I got them and I do love them.

Only thing about them is that they are bells so can’t actually wear them during a normal day (unless you want to attract an awful lot of attention to yourself)


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If you want to see more Sinful Sunday just click the image below:

Sinful Sunday