All posts in TMI

TMI Again!

1. You’re on a speed date. You’ve got 7 minutes with the potential partner. You already know the person’s name. What are the first three questions you would ask?

Where are you from?
What do you do?
What attracks you in a person?

2. Have you ever participated in speed dating? Did you get a regular date/second date out of it?

Nope never tried speed dating, don’t think it’s a big thing here in the Netherlands

3. Do you participate in online dating? How many dates have you had as a result of online dating sites/matches?

I tried it once but not really my thing with to much fake people out there.

4. You are attracted to:
a. Who people are?
b. What people have?
c. What they can do?

Who people are, because a person without a personality is somebody that is hard to talk too. Nobody wants to talk to an airhead with nothing to say.

5. What “little red flag” will cause you to end a date or immediately decide this person isn’t for you?

When somebody is insulting and negative I certainly don’t go for a second date.

6. What do you feel you need to sacrifice or have sacrificed to be a part of a relationship?

Time is the only thing I consider something you have to invest in an relationship. If you don’t have enough time for an relationship something will go wrong eventually.
7. If you cooked for your date, what would you cook?

I would go either for my never failing lasagna or for a nice salad with feta cheese with a tasty piece of meat.

8. At the end of a first date, how would you kiss your date?
a. Press your lips against theirs
b. Gentle kiss on the cheek
c. Lots o’ tongue, like you’re on a tonsil exploration
d. I don’t kiss on the first date

Depends if I want to kiss my date, if I like the sight of him I wouldn’t mind a kiss 😉

Bonus: You just put up a profile on a dating site. You must describe yourself in 10 words or less. What are your 10 words?

Anyone care to guess what I would put up?

TMI Tuesday

1. You have been separated from your significant other for six months. An attractive, attentive neighbor has paid you flattering attention. It is obvious he/she wishes to take the relationship further. Do you:
a. Dismiss him/her, you’re in a committed relationship.
b. Continue to flirt, but go no further.
c. Fantasize about him/her, but take care of your sexual needs solo.
d. Let the affair become physical.
2. A male co-worker whom you have heard is great in bed and very well endowed has been flirting with you a lot. He obviously wishes to start a relationship. Do you:
(This question is for women AND men).

a. Make it clear to him you’re not interested.
b. Flirt with him but go no further
c. Mentally undress him and wonder what he’d be like in bed.
d. Let the relationship become sexual.
3. Your significant other is impotent most of the time, showing little interest in you and little interest in being sexual. Do you:
a. Resign yourself to no sex.
b. Satisfy your needs with masturbation
c. Find someone who can satisfy you sexually but remain with your significant other
d. Leave him or her
4. The last time you and your mate had sex, were you:
a. Concentrating mostly on him/her, and you didn’t even orgasm
b. Thinking about your pleasure and theirs.
c. Concentrating mainly on your own pleasure.
d. Used his/her body as a tool to reach your own orgasm.
5. What kind of partner do you prefer while making love or having sex?
a. Tender, loving, slow and sweeet
b. I don’t care, just do me; it’s been a while
c. Tough, take-charge, I like it a little rough
d. Any lovin’ is good lovin’
Bonus: Do you mind if your significant other ogles/checks out another sexy person? What if they comment on that person, do you mind that?
I don’t mind it at all, even encourage it. I’m not that fuzzy about it, even say to my bf, hey look at that girl.