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TMI: Sex, seriously?

1. Do you think being a sex worker is as legitimate a work option as being an accountant?

Well of course it is. Here in the Netherlands sex workers pay taxes like everyone else, so why shouldn’t it be?

2. Which of these rules would you follow if your lover had to have it followed in order to be aroused:
a. wear socks while having sex
b. have the lights on during sex
c. have the TV playing, volume up while having sex
d. the room must be in complete darkness to have sex

The most annoying one would be C, because that certainly will be distracting. Had sex one time with Indiana Jones and the temple of doom playing in the background. That bitch screams a hell of a lot.

The others, I wouldn’t care much about. Unless they are white socks, those are just waiting for a ban. A sock gap isn’t that bad. Actually with women it helps with with orgasms if your feet are warm.

3. You must plan an evening of sex with your lover. Tell us what you’ve planned for the evening.

The whole evening hmmm. Totally depends on the kind of lover though. But one can always start with a full body massage. Lots of cuddling and kisses. Lots of teasing. More teasing. Rope, Doxy, blindfold, more teasing. Sex! I usually just improvise though because I can easily start having a laughing fit I can’t get out anymore.

4. Rule: If one of you is in the mood for sex and the other is not, you give the other 24 hours to ‘get in the mood’ before masturbating. Would this work in for you or in your relationship–why or why not?

Definitely not, pressure would be a bad thing in that case. Takes all the spontaneous fun out of it.

5. Apparently, even though it is the year 2016, some folks still have a “number” that delineates another person from being normal and liking sex versus being promiscuous. What is THAT number for you? According to a recent U.K. report more than 15 sexual conquests for a man can be off-putting, while more that 14 sexual encounters for a woman may give a potential suitor pause.

My count so far is over 20. For me there is no number. Also, nothing wrong with being confident about sex and taking what you want. Promiscuous for the win!

Bonus: How was your weekend?

Oooh well it was lots of fun, I did have quite a bit of fun at a kinky play party. Had a lovely boy to tease and made him do things that he didn’t expect he would dare in public. In short, fun and progress 😉

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  1. Hedone says:

    3. Rose I had not heard that about keeping feet warm to help orgasm. I will say that I sleep in socks all year long because I like my feet to be warm. I would easily wear socks during sex too, except I know many people find it un-sexy.

    Bonus: The party does sound fun.


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