All posts by Rose

Sinful Sunday: The restroom

This Sinful Sunday I have another picture that I took on my trip to London. I found myself at the airport with time to spare and when I went into the ladies room, I saw a good moment to get another notch for the sexy scavenger hunt.

I managed to take a snapshot in between people coming in and out of the restroom. I just pulled down my top and bra and just exposed myself while hoping nobody would walk in on me.


If you want to see more Sinful Sunday just click the image below:

Sinful Sunday

Also this is an entry for my personal scavenge hunt (a sexy one that is)

Photography basics

The inspiration for this blog post came from a conversation I had on twitter. It would seem that there are enough people who love to make pictures and would love to learn, but don’t know how.
So I have good news for those who wish to learn a little bit more about how to make the photos that you want.
In this post I will be sharing a few basics with you, that I learned and that apply to everybody, no matter what camera you have.

Myself, I got a small digital camera and a big digital SLR with both different features, functions and settings but I use both to make pictures for my blog.
The small camera is handy for spontaneous pictures and I can use it with my small tripod anywhere I want to.
The big camera I use a lot with close ups, because that way I don’t have to use the timer and can have more control about what I want to that way.

The background in a picture is very important and can set the mood of your photo. For instance if you want a more mysterious picture, you can use a dark background, like this:


A typical point and hope for the best picture with my SLR

If you look at the picture, you see that the dark background enhances the lightness of the skin. Extra emphasizing is the black and white, what I like to use a lot and it is the only filter I use. Other filters look tempting to experiment with but I only stick to black and white.


If your you got a better camera you can also set the depth of field, so you got the area what you want to draw attention to is in focus (or not, depending on what you want to do) Here’s an example so you can see the different depths of fields.


Also a point and hope for the best picture with my SLR

You can see the candle in front being fuzzy, the first nipple sharp and behind that the second nipple fuzzy again. Because you can still recognize what’s behind and in front of the focus field, it emphasizes the first nipple.

The way that you frame whatever you want to capture, is also important. You can also do this afterwards when cropping the image but you can also think ahead and think about how you want it before you make your picture.

The key with making in a picture powerful and interesting is the Golden Ratio. Using this, the key focus of your picture, should be at 2/3rd of the picture. Ideally the most interesting point of your picture would be 2/3rd of 2/3rd. Like in this picture below.

Sexy in red

A put the SLR on a chair and hope for the best picture with timer

The orientation of the photograph also helps with showing your best assets 😉 Not to mention the splash of color to draw you in even more. Using composition you can let people look where you want them to look, at what you want to show off.


This top tip is thanks to the lovely Mario from Someone Once Told Me who did a session at Eroticon 2013
When he mentioned that he loved shapes and that they are everywhere! Just looking out the window you can spot a lot of different shapes like the rectangular bricks s in this picture. How many shapes do you spot?


Picture made by Urbanvox and his SLR

Shapes can make a picture more interesting to look at or really draw an image together. With this picture it really makes it a whole. To see the rectangles from the bricks with the natural, more flowing round body shapes.

I hope you all liked me sharing some basics and all I can say further is just practice a lot and get to know your camera. I even make the best and funkiest pictures just pointing my camera and not knowing where I’m aiming (yes I do that a lot)
Usually I make pictures on my own but having somebody else to help is not only more handy, but also more fun! So get experimenting and have some fun with it 😉

Sinful Sunday: Roped up

This Sinful Sunday I’ve done my first self rigging with some lovely silk rope that I got from the kind people at

It being the first I ever did, yes I know it’s not perfect but pretty decent and it did it’s job 😉

The feel of the silk rope around my legs was quite nice and comfortable even when I did it tighter around my legs.
Especially with my low blood flow it was quite nice and it didn’t leave marks (even with my thighs the marks faded pretty when the rope was quite tight)

With the pictures I wanted to show of the pretty red and on my wintery pale skin it sure pops!

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If you want to see more Sinful Sunday just click the image below:

Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: The riverside

This Sinful Sunday I already introduced somebody new, but I wouldn’t want to deprive you lovelies from me.

This is another from my trip to London and taken by the wonderful Urbanvox.

We were walking along the Themes and on a more quiet spot right, we took some pictures.

Conveniently while flashing my boobs, on a bench, nobody was around.
Just a little further along the river, people were walking towards us.
While I had my boobs and pussy out on show, would you have seen that?


If you want to see more Sinful Sunday just click the image below:

Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Day and night

This Sinful Sunday I’m introducing somebody new and sexy to you.
With more and more men joining in with Sinful Sunday, I persuaded (who can say no to me?) him to strip down as well and show off his sexy body (but especially his ass though *grabs and pinches*)

During the day you might not notice him at first, hiding in the corner…

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Don’t you just adore that cute ass?

But at night he comes out to play….

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If you want to see more Sinful Sunday just click the image below:

Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Shaking it!

This Sinful Sunday I’m showing off the gorgeous pasties with tassels that I got from the lovely Ian.

This was during my visit over in London (I do have a lot of fun there) and especially during Eroticon (I was very very happy to be there)
He had won it in the limerick contest at the Aural sex night that was organized by Stella.

Ian said that they weren’t his color and I’m sure that this way he and other people have more fun of it 😉


I sure tried to have fun with it and making pictures. And trust me trying to jiggle and make the tassels go round is quite difficult.
The result is quite fun and playful.
Please don’t let them mesmerize you, they might have hypnotic effects.


If you want to see more Sinful Sunday just click the image below:

Sinful Sunday