All posts by Rose

My slowly growing collection

When Hungry Joe showed off his great collection of toys here, I felt to show you how poor of a collection I have off my own.
It really isn’t that impressive, even though I found more hiding then I remembered having.

I obviously have 1 favorite one, 1 okay one and the others are pretty much rubbish, can you guess which is which?

TMI: Cocks!

1. What’s more important – length or width? Why?
A bit of both is important I think. With only width or length you wouldn’t come that far obviously. It counts what you do with it and not how it looks.
But if you would put a gun to my head and make me choose I would have to choose I would go for length, cause I do like it deep…..

2. Ever encountered one that was too big for you to handle?
I haven’t encountered one that was too big for me so far.

3. Best place to put a penis?
Best place to put it with me is my pussy of course, no doubt about that! But I don’t mind it in my mouth either and the penis doesn’t mind that at all either.

4. If you had a penis for a day, what would you do with it?
First I would play with it and then I would try and have sex with it of course! 
Also a important one I would want to try then is pee standing up, because I can then.

5. You’re a penis, which love canal (that’s a vagina) would you most like to visit:
a. short and shallow
b. fall into the gap, gliding smoothly along the slick walls
c. tight suction lip-lock
d. none, I prefer the back door thank you

This one is more tricky to answer cause I have no clue how it feels for a penis to be inside a vagina. But I can sure imagine B and C to be very pleasant to visit.

Sinful Sunday: On top

On top of you
Slowly grinding my pussy over your body
Feeling your hard cock underneath me
Teasing it
Going over it with my wet pussy
Both moaning
Slipping you inside me
Hard and wet
Riding faster
Leaning in
Grabbing my boob
Moaning loud
I though I add a bit of text to make the post more appealing and alive.

To see more of Sinful Sunday, just click on the link below:

Sinful Sunday

A request to you

I have got to admit that I kind of stole the idea of this post from the lovely Yummy, this wonderful Lady, and the sexy Blacksilk.
My Birthday is coming up and for that I would like to humbly request pictures as a gift. Pictures of you that is, they can be anonymous or you can add your name but I expect them.
You can be creative or do anything you would like,  your choice.
I would like the pictures before January 31 so I can post them as a Birthday gift, not only as a gift to me but also everybody else. 
My humble request therefore is to send your naughty or less naughty pictures to:
Don’t feel shy!

HNT See through

Well since it’s Thursday and I’m half naked, I wanted to share it with you! 
My only clothing on at the moment

TMI New Year

1. Finish this sentence: In the New Year _________ .
In the New Year, I’ll keep (most) of my resolutions to myself and the ones I’ll share will be the naughty ones.

2. Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? If yes, what are they for 2012?
I did make a few resolutions but mostly it’s more of a bucket list instead of a list with resolutions. 
-I’d love to go at least once this year to a sexclub and have fun there.
-I’d love to get spanked properly for the first time
-I’d love to be tied up properly
-I’d love to try more things I haven’t done yet (sexually) and explore and experiment more of myself
-I’d love to be able to make myself cum by my own fingers (yes, I’m to spoiled with my vibrator)
3.Did you make New Year’s Resolutions for last year?
If I did, I don’t remember anymore, but my guess is that I just didn’t have any. 

4. What was your most memorable sexual happening/experience in 2011?
This definitely was my first visit to a sex club with my boyfriend. You can read all about it here if you’re interested.This was amazing and fun and this was certainly a very good experience.

Bonus: What was your most memorable experience (activity, event, etc.) in 2011?
My most memorable (non sexual) experience of 2011 was partying the last of 2011 away with my friends at New Years Eve. This was totally awesome and the best New Years Eve I ever had, loads of laughs, booze and of course the best party pictures ever.

You can find more TMI here