All posts by Rose

Sinful Sunday: Alone

Sinful Sunday
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Sinful Sunday

The Great Online Cookie Exchange Extravaganza.

As I promised a few blogs earlier, I’m sharing my recipe for my evil cookies!
Yes they are really evil cause they are sooo tasty that nobody can resist these 😉 


  • 2 cups (250g) self-raising flour
  • 170g butter, melted
  • 1 cup (185g) brown sugar, firmly packed
  • ½ cup (110g) white sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla essence
  • 1 egg
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 cups dark chocolate chip (this also can be white or milk chocolate or even M&M’s) 

Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 15 minutes | Extra time: 15 minutes

Preheat the oven to 165 degrees Celcius. Line two cookie trays with baking paper (or just use plain baking paper on wire racks like I do)
Sift the flour, set aside. 
In a medium bowl, cream together the melted butter, brown sugar and white sugar until well blended. Beat in the vanilla, egg, and egg yolk until light and creamy. Mix in the sifted ingredients until just blended. (Sometimes I also use cane sugar for the taste instead okay brown sugar)
Stir in the chocolate chips by hand using a wooden spoon. Drop big, round tablespoons of the dough onto the prepared cookie trays, leaving plenty of room for spreading. (the cookies will expand a lot so make sure it’s small amounts of dough you put on the baking paper)
Bake for 15 to 17 minutes in the preheated oven, or until the edges are lightly toasted. Cool on baking sheets for a few minutes before transferring to wire racks to cool completely. 
If you want to make a whole batch you can double it and you can just keep going. When I make them I use 4 pieces of baking paper. 2 for in the oven, 2 for either cooling down cookies or making the next batch for in the oven ready. 
Have fun making you’re own tasty evil cookies!! 
And yes I wrote cookie wrong a lot…
 These are the other participants with their own Cookie Extravaganza Recipe!

TMI Making no sense (at all)

1. If you were a car, which one would you be? What are some of your best features?
 Tricky one, I would certainly want to be a stylish car but not too posh. Of course a nice car has nice curves, just like me 😉 Also elegance is a must in a car. Of course thinking of an elegant car you can only come up with this: 

 The Ferrari 458 Italia

2. If I gave you an elephant where would you hide it?
 I would definitely hide it in my parents barn, if a car and caravan fit in there, an elephant certainly will too.

3. Finish this sentence: Tomorrow I absolutely refuse to….
Eat anything that will involve me chewing much or opening my mouth much. Yes I’m still hating my dentist right now, thanks to new fillings I still have trouble eating hard stuff. 

4. What is the longest period of time that you’ve gone without a shower?
I think it was about 3 days, but that’s my maximum. Usually I shower every day cause I got hair with an attitude. Don’t think 3 days is that shocking or anything, I bet that can be beaten easily.

5. What is the silliest prank you ever played on someone?
 This one made me really dig in my memory cause I’m not a real prankster and when people try it on me I can see it coming from miles away. Not to mention I’m not easy to scare. I can tell you a great one I did for April’s fools with my dad though. The prank I did was the following: 
My dad always ate bread in the morning and sometimes my mum made some for him. When nobody was looking I exchanged the cheese for a piece of napkin on his sandwich and unknowingly he ate the whole sandwich. His face was pretty fun when I told him he just ate part of a napkin.

Bonus: What is the best piece of gossip that you heard recently?
Even though I am a woman, gossiping isn’t really my thing and I’m really stressing my brain thinking about what kind of gossip I know. All I can think of is that one of my high school friends is getting married but I got a card in the mail announcing that so not really gossip if the people spread it themselves.

TMI Fun(ny) stuff!

1. Finish this thought: Nerds make me ____ ? (idea from PocketRockettz)

Hmm a tricky one, cause there is a difference between nerds and nerd. From the cute, sweet, funny nerd that makes me happy and the not so clean one with no sense of fun and jokes. But if I take my bf (yes he’s a real nerd) as example for nerds, nerds make me happy! (and also horny sometimes)

2. If you were in a beauty pageant, which would be your ticket to the tiara? (heard on the Newlywed Game)
a. Talent
b. Interview
c. Swimsuit
d. Evening wear (i.e., gown, tuxedo)

Also tricky, even though I look great in dresses with my long pretty legs. I would still go for talent. Even if that means that I would at least take some singing lessons to pull it off.  And no I’m not gonna prove it, I’m shy and don’t have a need for everybody to hear it 😉

3. On your body what is eye candy and what is an eyesore?

Of course everything about me is eye candy but I’ve got to say that I can distract people pretty good with my boobs and legs. Only thing that I could think of as an eyesore may be my feet, they are the reason I have a pair of correction soles.

4. Your penis is starring in a gritty crime drama? Which part would it play?
a. Straight laced detective
b. Hooded criminal
c. Crooked cop

Totally ignoring the fact that I don’t have a penis, I would have to go for the straight laced detective. Just because I immediately pictured myself all laced up in a corset with some high heels and a hat.

5. Would you rather? (as heard on the Graham Norton Show)
a. Eat dog food for every meal for a year or
b. Get shot in the knee

I think it would depend on what kind of dog food, dry food I would be able to stand but if it would be that gooey disgusting stuff I’d rather get shot in the knee. 

6. If you crapped yourself at work what would you do? (This was a poll taken at a blues bar…seriously)
a. Go commando
b. Do nothing
c. Turn ‘em inside out
d. Wash in employee sink

I would go commando, even though the chances of crappy myself before I’m old and might have to wear diapers again, are zero. I go commando all the time, especially in the summer, even with dresses and all.

TMI What’s Cookin’ Good Lookin’?

I know, it might be a bit late but I wanted to add my belated TMI (even though it’s Sunday at the moment)

1. Haagen-Dazs or Ben & Jerry’s?
Definitely Ben & Jerry’s but then again I’m not that familiar with Haagen-Dazs and it’s difficult to find in supermarkets here. 
2. What is always in your refrigerator?
At least some milk, butter and eggs. Mainly cause you can do a lot of stuff with them and it’s nice to have some ready if you’re hungry 😉
3. What’s your worst kitchen disaster?
I don’t have that big kitchen disasters, but one time I had to put a home made pizza in the oven while my mum was out. Cause it was hot the pizza got out of the low plate and I ended up putting it in a lasagna bowl.We had more liquid pizza then usual but it was still worth eating.
4. Favorite kitchen gadget?
The mixer and the blender, definitely something everybody needs in their kitchen.
5. What was your last meal? Did you like it?
My last real meal was mashed potatoes with carrots and peas and some baked cod bits (fish) I had 2 of my wisdom teeth removed so it had to be not to hard and to chewy for me to eat. And yes I did like it, even though I would love to eat something more hard and be able to chew properly.
6. What’s your favorite cookie?
I have a few favorite cookies cause be honest, cookies are tasty! My favorite is the one I call my own subway cookie with white chocolate bits in it. But it’s more tasty then the subway cookie (they are nice and soft on the inside and not hard). I call them my evil cookies and only make them for special occasions cause they will vanish in no-time. Not only do I make them with white chocolate pieces, but also with milk chocolate and even with M&M’s.
I also like chocolate chip cookies and most other cookies. 

In case you are curious about the recipe, I will share the recipe for The  Great Online Cookie Exchange Extravaganza
Don’t worry you can find it on my blog on 7 December. So you can make your own creation for Christmas, or just because 😉 

You can find the TMI Tuesday blog here:TMIblog
Feel free to join the TMI madness.

TMI Conspicuous Luxery

1. Do you have a set of dishes that are used for special occassions (e.g. china)? Yes or no. If yes, how often do you use the special dishes?
I don’t have special dishes, or anything like that. I think that anything is for use, pretty or not.

2. Do have clothes that you never wear because you are saving them for a special occasion? What is that item of clothing? What would be the appropriate occasion?
Not really. I do have some dresses I barely wear but that is because they are pretty and I don’t want to ruin them

3. If you suddenly became very wealthy, which servants would you employ?
a. cleaning service
Definitely a person to clean stuff for me, not sure if I would be nice to them cause I have my own system and way to do stuff. Even though a maid is probably a better idea. Hmm tricky one. I’ll go for either one of them.
b. housekeeper
c. cook
d. valet/maid/lady-in-waiting
e. chauffeur
f. dog-walker
g. other

4. If you were wealthy, how many homes would you own? Where? (locations–mountains, tropical places for the winter, foreign country/city)
I would go for 2 pretty normal sized houses on 2 different continents, one in Europe by the sea and in the sun and one in the States

5. If you were going to take on a really expensive hobby, which of these would it be?
a. buy an airplane
b. buy a yacht
I would not only buy it but customize it and make sure I have a license to also steer it, if I want to.
c. buy a small winery
d. raise exotic animals

6. What kind of car would you buy if you had an unlimited budget?
a. expensive sports car
Oh I would most certainly go for a nice sports car you can race around in and take it for a few laps around the Nürburgring whenever I can. Yes I like speed and driving and I’m a girl, any problems with that?
b. luxury car
c. monster truck
d. expensive hybrid or electric car
e. cheap car (I’d be too nervous driving an expensive car).
f. something for the chauffeur to drive me around in

Bonus: Currently, what is your favorite luxury item or decadent thing that you do?

My laptop is my precious *pets laptop*