All posts by Rose

Some sexy A-Z

This is inspired by Beck her giveaway and I’ve decided to give it my own special twist. This is my own special ABC. It’s a mix of what I am and I’m sorry for the Stan Lee mimics (you’ll get it eventually)

A – Additively Alluring (I’m like coffee)

B – Beautiful Breasts (Yes fairly obvious from my blog pictures, I have breasts and I love them. (I got to admit other people love them more then I do though))

C – Curiously Cunning (A very bad combination)

D – Devilishly Deviant (Also a bad combination)

E – Exciting Erotic (Obviously)

F – Fun Fantasies (Who doesn’t like a little fun)

G – Glorious Geeky Glamazon (Oh yes)

H – Helpful Hands (The more the merrier)

I – Incognito Images (For extra fun)

J – Juicy Jiggles (*insert sexy comment here*)

K – Kinky Kisser (For those who will find out)

L – Luscious Long Legs (That go on forever)

M – Moaning More (And more…)

N – Nice and Naughty (Like a good girl)

O –  Overly Outgoing (I can be all over)

P – Perfectly Playful (Because I love to play…)

Q – Quivering Quickie (Let’s find out who will quiver…)

R – Ravishing Role-player (Oh yes)

S – Sexy Spankings (If you can catch me)

T –  Terrible Tease (I really am)

U – Uncontrollable Underwear (I keep finding them at weird places_

V – Very Voyeuristic (Quite obviously)

W – Wonderfully Wanton (Do I need to say more?)

X – X-rated Xenodochial (Just Google it, I dare you..)

Y – Yearning for You (Oh yes you…and you..)

Z – Zany Zombie-lover (Very geeky, I know)

Okay I really got Stan Lee syndrome now from all of this.

Sinful Sunday: Flashing in the bus

This Sinful Sunday I was traveling and found myself in a bus. I don’t travel by bus often but this time I decided to have a little fun with it.

I took this picture while driving in a bus with a few people in it, luckily they didn’t look back 😉

Of course I only saw the surveillance camera after I took the picture, so I wonder who has seen it as well…


If you want to see more Sinful Sunday just click the image below:

Sinful Sunday

Also this is an entry for my personal scavenge hunt (a sexy one that is)
You can find more about that here



Becks and Her Kinks

Photo courtesy of Beck and Her Kinks

Welcome to e[lust] – The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at e[lust]. Want to be included in e[lust] #44? Start with the newly updated rules, come back March 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!

P.S. Thank you for your patience while we find our way around here at e[lust] if we have made any mistakes (and surely we have) we will do our best to get it right the next time around.

~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~

misconceptions of dating polyamorous women

Compromise in D/s relationships

Writing Challenge – The Journey

~ Featured Posts (Molly’s Picks) ~

To shave or not to shave?

Of Human and Whore

All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!

Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships

Non-Monogamy and Sex Toys – Safe Sharing Tips

A Man’s Case for Being an Asshole

Thyroid function and sexuality

Property Renewal

SilverHubby: “On Being Fucked by You”

Pain In My Ass


Think Different

Open vs Poly

Escaping the Individual

To shave or not to shave?

Sex News, Interviews, Politics & Humor

Is your sex toy review breaking the law?

Kink & Fetish

Good Boy


Erotic Writing

Take me in


A Naughty Nurse Setup!

Afternoon Delight

Sexy Single

Tender is the Night

Butch on Butch

A change of plan

Anal: The Final Frontier

When He Comes In My Mouth

Morning Surprise


Lolita Twenty-Thirteen, Part One


My dirty fantasy


The Peace of Wild Things

Camping Conquests

Collar & Lead

Eat Me

Shhh! Come Here!

The End of The World – Almost

Restraints For A Good Girl

Of Human and Whore

Silver Fox, Mynx, and the Hunter – Part VI: Take Two

A Story For Sir

Sinful Sunday: Cock

This Sinful Sunday is all about Valentine’s day and of course a Valentine competition that is organized by the lovely Molly over on the Sinful Sunday page.

Not only with a picture this time, but also with a quote to go along with it, and I must say that finding a quote was quite the struggle.
I have had a few ones in mind but the one I went with was the following:

“Sex is not sinful, but sin has perverted it”
~Walter Lang~

IMG_3286 (2) (589x1024)

And to not deprive you from another fun quote, I’ll give you this one to giggle about…

“Rose, oh pure contradiction, joy of being No-one’s sleep under so many lids.”

~Rainer Maria Rilke, The Selected Poetry~

If you want to see more Sinful Sunday just click the image below:

Sinful Sunday

Eroticon 2013 Meet and Greet

Name: Rose Monrou

Twitter id: @sexwithrose

Must attend Eroticon 2013 session: *peeks at the schedule* There are a lot of sessions that are on my must list but if I would have to choose the Disability and Sex session. This is because I’m super interested and as someone with ADD it’s usually not considered how difficult sex can be. Even with disabilities you can’t see! But of course I’m interested in all the sessions because I’m a very curious geeky girl.

Bloggers you’d like to be trapped in the lift with:  Well depending on how big the lift is…. all of them!

Erotic writer you’d like to write dramatize your life story: I’ll honestly say that I haven’t read much erotica so far and since the only book I have read is Tiffany Reisz it has to be her. Who wouldn’t want some extra excitement and drama in your life?

Expected biggest fangirl / fanboy moment: That also would be a lot of people since I’m quite the noob but I look forward to meeting Lori, Ruby, Mina, and I just could keep going. If you’re there, I’m a fan!

What keeps you awake at nights? Sex, my brain, QI, things I still have to do, Stephen Fry, Dr Who…just to name a couple of things.

If you’re going to Eroticon, I’ll be the tall Dutch redhead. Not hard to miss (usually). Don’t feel shy to say hi! If you’re not going (yet) you can get your tickets here!

See who else is coming to Eroticon 2013 in the Meet & Greet link up

Sinful Sunday: Onesie

This Sinful Sunday I want to show you how sexy a onesie can be, even from the back!

Mission accomplished?


If you want to see more Sinful Sunday just click the image below:

Sinful Sunday