All posts by Rose

The stranger

His eyes, that is what caught my eye at first. When he turned his head and looked at me, a grin appeared. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but he had something about him.
I walked past him and walked up to the bar to order a drink. While I was waiting for my drink I saw some movement in the corner of my eye. I turned my head and he stood next to me.

“Hi” he simply said.
“Hello” I answered while I looked him in the eyes.
“What is a gorgeous lady like you doing here alone?”
“Who says I am alone?” I replied looking how he would react.
“I did” he said playfully while I got my drink handed by the bartender “You still didn’t answer the question though”
“That is true, but not all questions need an answer” I said while I slowly sipped my drink, looking at him “And what are you doing here?”

I saw in his eyes that he was thinking about what to answer carefully. I took another sip from my drink and carefully leaned in to the bar.
“I’m just looking for a little fun”
“Just a little?” I boldly asked him while I took another sip and carefully let my eyes glide over his body. He was dressed with care but still casual. He was wearing black pants, that were nice and tight on his ass. He was also wearing a nice shirt and over that a sexy black jacket. I could see that the question sparked his imagination and a small grin appeared.
“Well usually it starts with just a little, and it turns out to be more fun”
“And what kind of fun would that be?”

His grin got a little wider, he leaned in and whispered: “Any kind of fun you would like. Anything.”
Thinking of the possibilities, I felt my heartbeat go up. My mind was barely thinking about the possibilities and I felt myself getting wetter already. There was something about him that made me horny, very very horny. My curiosity got even bigger then that it already was.
I decided to pluck up the courage and whispered: “And why would I be interested in any kind of fun with you?
“Because you want to” he whispered and he moved back a little to look into my eyes.
His eyes were piercing right through me and this time I leaned in “And what do you have to offer?”
His grin got a little wider when I said that and he whispered: “Well there is only one way you can find out, just follow me.”

As he said that he turned around and walked towards the stairs leading down to the toilets.  For a split second I thought about it and when he went around the corner I decided to follow him. With every step I took, I felt my heart racing and my anticipation growing. Wondering what he had in mind, what he would do, made me crazy thinking about it. I found myself stepping down the steps a little quicker while all that raced through my mind. I found myself looking for him when I reached the bottom of the stairs. I took a few steps while I was looking around and suddenly I felt a hand that grabbed me and pulled me into the gents.

He had a strong grip on me and pressed me against the wall inside. I could feel his breath in my neck as I felt his hand going over my back. Slowly making his way down, over my butt, going towards the edge of my skirt. He stroked my thigh and slowly moved up again, pulling my skirt up.

You’ll find out more about what happens in part two 😉

Sinful Sunday: Stockings

This Sinful Sunday I’m showing off my gorgeous stockings from Falbala!
I got them when I was in London last time having a lot of fun (as usual)
So this is what you get if you put a tall girl in stockings 😉


If you want to see more Sinful Sunday just click the image below:

Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Christmas spirit

This Sinful Sunday I’m getting a little in the Christmas spirit with my bright red panties !

I have been very naughty, but what will you do?
Shower me clean?
Spank me for being naughty?
Or make me even more naughty?

Sexy in red

If you want to see more Sinful Sunday just click the image below:

Sinful Sunday

E[lust] #42

Dec 15 2012

Photo courtesy of Penny

Welcome to e[lust] – The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at e[lust]. Please check the site in January to find out if e[lust] will be continuing under a new owner, or not. Thanks for participating!

~ This Week’s Top Three Posts ~

My Stint as an Escort

Gone Daddy Gone

Showing My Spots

~ e[lust] Editress ~

Curtain Call

~ Featured Post (Lilly’s Pick) ~

Thoughts: Safe Words

All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!

 Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships

Ask Aunty Dee: Anal Play and Buttplugs
Being sexy
I’m Monogamish, Apparently
Orgasms, Spontaneous
Profoundly in love
Rape Fantasies
Why Don’t You Go Fuck Yourself?

Kink & Fetish

An Unexpected Gift
Cathartic Sex
Confession: The Stalking of a Doll
He got off to my laugh
Kink Guide to Fifty Shades Darker: conclusion
Kinky erotica from the top’s point of view
Pain and Collars
Pegging Prep for Virgin Territory
The Cowboy (1 of 4)

Sex News, Interviews, Politics & Humor

a different kind of scene

Erotic Writing

Dream Lover
Everything You Give
From the Inside
Get Back in Line
Just Hands
Lust in the Dunes – Part VII: The Love Elite
nching on “Special K”
On The Phone
Out of the Blue
Take Two
The Stranger
White Stockings, White Stockings She Wore
What if?
Writing Challenge – A Question

Sinful Sunday: Scavenging in the hospital

I had to get half naked for a little exam, so why not take advantage of that for the Scavenger hunt?


Also this is an entry for my personal scavenge hunt (a sexy one that is)
You can find more about that here

If you want to see more Sinful Sunday just click the image below:

Sinful Sunday

TMI Tuesday: Fantasy?

1. Do you think that acting out a fantasy can sometimes cause damage to a relationship?

In my opinion, it can only get better! As long as you still have something to fantasize about because if you did it all, what would there be left?

2. Some couples role play their fantasies rather than introducing another person into the relationship to live out their fantasies. Do you think that this is an acceptable substitute?

Did you read this blog? Yeah? No? Well let me tell you that I find either fun.
Role play? Hell yeah! Another person? Yes please!

3. Is there a particular movie or TV series or character from a movie or TV series that you fantasize about?

Oooh wel I have quite a few, one of my favorites is this guy though:

Matthew Gray Gubler

As you might have thought, I have a total soft spot for geeks and nerds!
And among those is Matthew Gray Gubler, if you don’t know him, you should, he’s awesome!

4. Apart from the obvious things like child abuse, are there some things that are ‘off limits’ for a fantasy e.g. incest fantasies, age play, rape fantasies. Why/ why not?

Well I’d say with fantasies the sky is the limit, but of course things that aren’t legal and socially unacceptable like child molesting is certainly out of the picture for me.
But age play, rape fantasies, as long as they are fantasies…. or with consent 😉

5. What is the most taboo thing you have ever fantasized about doing?

*thinks* Mmmm this is an interesting one, I most certainly have to say kidnapping and rape are at the top there. But of course with consent, not actual kidnapping or rape. Wouldn’t want you lot to get the wrong ideas of course 😉
But the real question is of course then, who would be the kidnapper and who would be kidnapped? I will let you guys think about that one on your own!

6. Tell us about a fantasy that you have that you don’t ever see yourself actually acting out. Why do you think you will never act it out?

*points to the answer above* Ooh I’m a shy person, did I mention that. And less kinky then people seem to think! I’m pretty boring actually, no really! *looks very innocent*

7. Have you ever pretended the person you were having sex with was someone else without telling them?

Trust me I tried, having an ADD brain doesn’t make that one easy though! Concentrating is already hard as it is!

8. Have you ever tried to make a fantasy a reality only to have it fail miserably? What happened?

Not that I can think off, I’ll just mention laughing attacks while having sex instead.
Total mood killer, especially if you can’t stop laughing!

Bonus: Tell us about your most cherished fantasy. Did you ever live it out? Please give us all the juicy details because that is the kind of people we are.

Oh this is an interesting one..
Well I did share some fantasies before here like The desk and What if?I’ve got a dirty mind, and a lot of fantasies…..maybe you’re in it next?

If you would like to see more of TMI Tuesday and see what other people have answered, just go over to the blog and find out!