All posts by Rose

London: SextoysUK tour and the Erotic Meet

First of all,if you don’t know what the Erotic Meet is all about and who’s in it. I suggest you take look around at the site.
Getting up really early at 5 in the morning (with only 4 hours of sleep) I got wished happy birthday by my boyfriend and he dropped me off at the train station. Still a bit sleepy I made my way to the airport and at customs I was a bit disappointed they didn’t went through my bag cause my raffle toy was in there. I prepped myself to go fly with my earplugs and nose spray (just to be on the safe side) and entertained myself with some Sudoku solving.
Arriving in Luton, I made my way to the train station so I could get to St. Pancreas to meet ILB who kindly offered a place for me to stay while I was in London. You can see what his thoughts were over here and don’t forget to read part 2 and the other post!

Arriving at the platform I looked around for ILB and didn’t see him so I walked up the stairs. Going through the gates I looked around again and there was only 1 guy standing there so had to be ILB. We decided to get something to eat since I was starving and ILB called Shalla, so we could meet up.
After some trouble with finding each other we finally met and we also met her friend (good boy bad boy) Together we decided to go up to Camden to stroll around the market and stands for a bit. When we got there we had to pay attention to GBBB, cause he was taking pictures a lot and we were just walking and talking (not paying too much attention)
Since GBBB hadn’t been in Cyberdog (loud music, neon colors and fun stuff) before,  we went there. We went all the way down to the basement where they also had some fun sex toys. Picking up a flogger and teasingly spanked Shalla on the ass. I had to do it again with her coat up so I could hit her better but apparently I still didn’t do it right so GBBB took over and spanked her really hard.
Eventually we ended up in a pub, warming up (cause it was freezing outside) and after some hot chocolate we decided to stay inside for a while. Plus we also met up with another friend of Shalla and had some fun talking.

I’ve got to say that it was really nice being able to talk about anything, especially stuff you usually don’t talk about with friend and family. There was even an idea of organizing a ski trip with a group. And I must say I liked that idea, I do like to ski.
After having some lunch/whatever you would like to call it (what was some toffee pudding for me) we went to the City (of London) to look for a place to have some dinner. After a long walk and cursing at Shalla’s friend for not finding the pub he wanted to find and making my back hurt we went inside a pub. There was no place to sit though so we decided to call it a day.
My feet and my back were hurting from all the walking and the stairs so I went home with ILB so he could park me in his attic for the night. Of course after beating him a few times with Kirby (Smash Bros) And first beating him at Mario Kart and then both ending last. After that we discussed how silly Twilight is among other stuff and since I had to get up early to meet Jilly in the morning for breakfast we called it a night.

That morning I found myself up really early and I got to St. Pancreas to meet Jilly. We decided to have our breakfast in Starbucks (Oh I do loooove Starbucks, even though it’s expensive) We had a nice chat and it was nice to talk native for a while after all the English. Not that I have trouble talking English but it requires less thinking. After we sat there for a while talking and such other people started to gather for the SextoysUK tour. The gorgeous Annie was the first to arrive and we said hi and soon the lovely Blacksilk, Shalla with GBBB, ILB, Lily and others turned up. (Yes I’m bad with names, I know exactly how everybody looked but names slip my mind a lot) We made our way to Luton and met Domsigns, Molly and Rebecca at the SexytoysUK headquarters. The wonderful (and sexy) Cara let us in and after having fun with putting our name stickers on ( I put mine on my boob) we got some tea and we discussed some things. It was actually really awesome to discuss a lot of sexy, naughty stuff without worrying. We were led into a room with a lot of sex toys on the table, later to be explained as their best selling items. Of course everybody was like: oh I want that one, and that one, and that one….
But we resisted our urges and talked about the process of the making of toys and that they really would like some original new ideas for toys. And having a creative mind obviously a lot of ideas popped into my head for new toys.
Also that they would love to have more toys tested and reviewed (I obviously wouldn’t mind to be a test subject for toys, I will blog for toys) We also got some awesome cupcakes and finally we were led around in the big belly of their headquarters: the storage/packaging space. And it made me feel like walking into a giant candy store.

We eventually made our way back to London and after some splitting up I went to Soho with a few others to be nice and early for the Erotic Meet. While Annie was off to prepare stuff I had something to eat with Jilly and ILB. After that we went in the venue and it was gorgeous, I just loved everything about the place (and there were a few poles too) I decided to get changed and walked downstairs and made my way through the people who were celebrating a birthday party and went into a booth to get changed. Trust me it’s harder then it looks but I managed to get everything on properly and decided not to scare the ‘normal’ people too much and also put my vest over my dress. Walking up the stairs it didn’t help since it was a short dress and I had stockings on but at least I tried 😉 Upstairs I got some wows when I took of the sweater and sat down. I talked to Dragonkingsdaughter about how I loved her corset and put my evil cookies out on the table. It was fun to guess who’s who when people walk in and some people you could just instantly recognize. Like Elenya and Smutsy (who are really cute together) Also Honey I recognized from her pictures just like the beautiful Lady and Joe was also pretty easy to recognize. I also got to meet the gorgeous Mia who was pretty awesome to talk to. It was also lovely to meet new people and put other faces to twitter names. Makes it a lot easier for me to connect faces to the names, cause I’m bad at names most of the time. I met a lot of people (like Monty, a fellow I couldn’t remember his name but did pinch his butt, Jane, a guy named Will who had a birthday, Meg and more people) and not sure if I got to talk to everybody but if I didn’t talk to you, make sure you get to me next time! Shame I forgot to take a picture of me in my pretty dress and stockings but I’m sure there will be next time. Mingling with people was fun and soon the stage was open for the filthy mouths to speak on. I sat on a sofa with the gorgeous Twistd and we listened and giggled some together.
Everybody on stage was so sexy, wonderful, hot, funny and fun. I think cheering at everybody was part of the reason I lost my voice. But I loved everybody on stage! Maybe next time I’ll do some myself but for now I was totally happy with listening to everybody.
After everybody went on stage, the raffle was organized and I won 2 prizes! I got a cock ring and a box with a 100 ways to say I love you. That was pretty fun but since my raffle prize went with a massage, I had to get my massage on, even did 2 instead of 1. And I’m sure Sarah and her companion enjoyed it.

After the official program, the dance floor was open for dancing and since I love dancing I couldn’t resist. And yes the dancing made my very short dress crawl up all the time, but I’m pretty sure nobody minded that. I also sat down a lot, talking to people and avoiding getting hit on by some random stranger who didn’t took a hint. But hiding and just walking away seemed to do the trick. I don’t mind people touching me but random drunk strangers need to stay away for their own well being. I did get a few hands on my ass, a bite in my neck, 2 attempts of biting my nipple but it actually tickled and I also did some groping myself. Oh and not to mention I danced with a guy who I still don’t know his name but was a very good dancer. Trust me coming from a girl who did a lot of different dancing classes, he was a very good dancer. And I just loved my outfit for getting me a lot of  ‘wow’ s and compliments, just wish I could wear that with the normals without scaring them.
I’ll just leave you all with the though that I wasn’t wearing a bra and hat crotchless panties on….

Ps: To the person that took my handbag, take the M&M’s, take the money but give me back my notebook!

My birthday presents

A while ago I requested pictures for my birthday (which is today ) And this is the result of that!
First of all I got some lovely, sexy, hot pictures from @jillandjackcpl @jackandjillcpl  Don’t you just want to look at their pretty pictures all the time?
Just perfect!
Such a yummmmmy ass
Isn’t it more fun when somebody else does that?
I also got a very sexy picture from @Jephfreak This picture is bound to make wet spots.
  I also got this sexy picture from @Yummy being just as yummy as her blog!
Certainly a lick and a grab there
And last but certainly not least I got this very sexy and drool/lick inducing picture from @BlackSilk Also makes me want to grab the screen.
I hope you enjoy these pictures just as much as I do!

Triptych: The balcony

This piece I wrote for the Erotic Meet Triptych competition. With a triptych everything comes in threes and this is my what I came up with. 
After reading, don’t forget to check out the others and vote!
Waiting on the balcony
Only wearing stockings
Suddenly two hands on my hips
Pulling me closer to his body
Feeling him behind me
His hand on my boob
Slipping down my front
Stroking my pussy
Making me wet
Feeling his erection
Whispering in my ear
That he is going to take me
Right in the open
For everybody to see
Bending me over the balustrade
Twisting my arms behind my back
With my boobs hanging over the balustrade
Open and exposed
Nowhere to go
Feeling your hands on my hips
Grabbing my ass
Entering me
First slowly
Harder and harder
Pushing deep inside me
Taking me with force
Making me moan
Louder and louder
Feeling you going harder
And faster
Almost cumming
Feeling press inside
Moaning out loud
Electrics shivers through my body
Hitting me in waves
Feeling him pulsate
Filling me up
Spent on the balustrade

Walking into the house
Seeing an open door
A silhouette on the balcony
Quietly taking off clothes
Walking up behind her
  Grabbing her close to me
Feeling her soft skin
Feeling her getting wetter
Getting more excited
My hard cock against her
Adoring her body
Pushing her over the balustrade
Pulling her ass back
Enjoying the sight
Grabbing her ass
Putting my hard cock
At the entrance of your pussy
Pushing deep inside you at once
Filling you up
Feeling your wetness
Holding your arms
Forcing myself in deep
Taking you hard
And harder
Using you
Hearing you moan
Near to the edge
Feeling you pulsate
Driving me over the edge
Cumming inside you
Filling you up
As a nice little slut

Looking out the window
Seeing her
A shadow walking up behind her
Touching her body
A faint touch of light on her
His hand moving down
Her mouth slightly open
Leaving out moans of pleasure
He pushing her over the balustrade
Boobs full on sight
My hand goes in my pants
Feeling my wetness
He enters her
She moans loudly
I can hear her through the window
I slip a finger in my pussy
Pussy soaking
While watching them
She being taken
Him pounding
Turning me on
Rubbing my clit
Him pounding harder
She moans loud
Feeling my orgasm
Watching them
Moaning myself
Moaning along
Reaching my orgasm
Moaning loud
Body shaking with pleasure
She lays spent on the balustrade

Sinful Sunday: Stockings

Earlier this week I got my new stockings in the mail, and they have no idea how much naughtyness they will endure before thrown away.
The virgin stockings
If you want to see who else is playing, click on the picture below

TMI Would you rather…..?

1. Would you rather wear the same pair of unwashed socks for 2 years or wear the same pair of unwashed underwear for 1 year? Explain.

First of all, why do these kind of questions are always so gross?  But if I’d have to choose I’d pick the unwashed underwear simply cause it’s shorter. And probably less gross then a pair of socks if you simply think of the smell you can get from socks after working out…..

2. Would you rather eat a baby or be eaten by a giant baby? Explain.

Seriously what kind of twisted mind comes up with these kind of questions? Here it depends on what kind of baby cause when you eat veil you technically eat a baby cow, and I wouldn’t mind doing that. And if there was a giant baby eating people, I’m sure I could outsmart and outrun it easily. Because it’s a baby of course, they can’t run!

3. Would you rather steal money from your Grandfather in the past or steal money from a Grandchild in the future? Why?

I don’t steal, so this is a awkward question but if I would steal I would go for stealing from my Grandchild, cause it’s more fair since you already put a lot of money in their mum or dad raising them. Only seems fair enough that if you need money that you steal it from them. Stealing from your Grandfather is just mean and stupid.

4. Would you rather be trapped in a cave full of vampire bats or put a large jar full of bees (opened) in your pants?

This is a rather easy one, I would go for the cave full of vampire bats. I’m not afraid of bats and as long is you don’t bother them or startle them with well lets say a lot of light you should be okay. Vampire bats usually only bother livestock anyway.

5. Would you rather be a person with a head that is noticeably big for your body or have a head that is disproportionately small compared to the rest of your body?

Again, what’s with the weird questions? I think this depends on if you have a big head, does your brain capacity also grow with it and if you have a smaller head would it be less?
This seems like a useful thing to know before you make that decision, I don’t tend to jump to conclusions before I know everything.

Bonus: Would you rather have sex, with your significant other, in a sex club with all eyes and a spotlight on you OR would you rather get gang-banged & groped in darkness by a bunch of strangers.

Again a easy one since I already have been to a sex club with my bf and had a crowd watching. And since I haven’t been in a dark room I would definitely go for being gang-banged and groped in the darkness by a bunch of strangers. Sure sounds like fun thing to put on my bucket list! 

If you want to see more of TMI Tuesday just check out the TMI blog

Sex cinema (part 1)

Let me tell you about the first time I went to a sex cinema.
Yes, I know what you’re imagining now, some dodgy old place where there’s only men lurking around. But it wasn’t at all. This place was rather nice to be honest.
When we entered the place, and found out it also is a shop with a lot of different stuff in it. Everything from a big collection of all kinds of porn, blow up riding equipment, toys and lingerie. There even was a lot of fetish stuff there but mostly all the cheaper stuff. Didn’t see much of the good stuff there but that wasn’t the reason I was there with my date D.

We talked with the guy behind the counter about the place and that apparently they were busy with a classy place for hookers next door. Also we found out that sex cinema’s are very rare and very difficult to get the right permits for.
But I’ll stop boring you with stuff like that and get to the point.

The owner showed us around and showed us the sex cinema part.
They had different sections and to our surprise it was also pretty big. There was a gay section and a hetero section and a little maze with different porn playing everywhere. It was pretty cold and it was rather empty so we decided to take one of the private rooms you can rent to privately watch porn in and do whatever you want.
He told us to pick out something we like and he would pop it in so we could watch it in the room. I let D choose and this wasn’t that difficult in my mind but very hard for him.
It kinda was amusing to see him go through all the DVDs and eventually he picked one about a swingers party. We handed the DVD over to the guy behind the counter and and walked to the private room section. We entered the room and turned the tv on and pressed play as we made ourselves comfortable on the big corner sofa.

He sat down next to me and we started kissing. While kissing our hands went over each others body, exploring, feeling. His hand went over my skirt and as he reached the bottom of it he moved his skirt upwards over my stocking. Slowly moving, over the edge of my stockings, getting closer to a very wet place. As he felt how wet I was, I was stroking over his pants. While kissing we undid each others clothes, revealing our naked bodies.
All happening with the porn on the background, people moaning and making us even more horny…
To be continued…